Center-tapped transformer¶
Center-tapped transformers allow to convert two phases primary connection into a split-phase secondary connection, with the neutral at the center secondary winding. It is modelled as follows:
Non-ideal models are used in Roseau Load Flow. The series impedances \(\underline{Z_2}\) and the magnetizing admittances \(\underline{Y_{\mathrm{m}}}\) are included in the model.
Figures and equations on this page are related to a transformer connected between the phases \(\mathrm{a}\) and \(\mathrm {b}\). Nevertheless, center-tapped transformers can be connected between any two phases as long as the center phase at the secondary is always \(\mathrm{n}\).
The following equations are used:
Where \(\underline{Z_2}\) is the series impedance, \(\underline{Y_{\mathrm{m}}}\) is the magnetizing admittance of the transformer, \(k\) the transformation ratio, and:
import functools as ft
import numpy as np
import roseau.load_flow as rlf
# Create a ground and set it as the reference of potentials
ground = rlf.Ground("ground")
pref = rlf.PotentialRef("pref", ground)
# Create a source bus and voltage source (MV)
source_bus = rlf.Bus("source_bus", phases="abc")
vs = rlf.VoltageSource(id="vs", bus=source_bus, voltages=20e3)
# Create a load bus and a load (MV)
load_bus = rlf.Bus(id="load_bus", phases="abc")
mv_load = rlf.PowerLoad("mv_load", load_bus, powers=[10000, 10000, 10000])
# Connect the two MV buses with an Underground ALuminium line of 150mm²
lp = rlf.LineParameters.from_catalogue(name="U_AL_150")
line = rlf.Line("line", source_bus, load_bus, parameters=lp, length=1.0, ground=ground)
# Create a low-voltage bus and a load
lv_bus = rlf.Bus(id="lv_bus", phases="abn")
lv_load = rlf.PowerLoad("lv_load", lv_bus, powers=[-2000, 0])
# Create a transformer
tp = rlf.TransformerParameters.from_open_and_short_circuit_tests(
vg="Iii0", # <--- Center-tapped transformer
transformer = rlf.Transformer("transfo", load_bus, lv_bus, parameters=tp)
# Create the network and solve the load flow
en = rlf.ElectricalNetwork.from_element(source_bus)
# The current flowing into the line from the source side
en.res_lines[["current1"]].dropna().transform([np.abs, ft.partial(np.angle, deg=True)])
# | | ('current1', 'absolute') | ('current1', 'angle') |
# |:--------------|---------------------------:|------------------------:|
# | ('line', 'a') | 1.1229 | -35.6881 |
# | ('line', 'b') | 0.559322 | -157.84 |
# | ('line', 'c') | 0.95146 | 114.464 |
# The current flowing into the transformer from the source side
[np.abs, ft.partial(np.angle, deg=True)]
# | | ('current1', 'absolute') | ('current1', 'angle') |
# |:-----------------|---------------------------:|------------------------:|
# | ('transfo', 'a') | 0.564362 | -93.5552 |
# | ('transfo', 'b') | 0.564362 | 86.4448 |
# The current flowing into the line from the load side
en.res_lines[["current2"]].transform([np.abs, ft.partial(np.angle, deg=True)])
# | | ('current2', 'absolute') | ('current2', 'angle') |
# |:--------------|---------------------------:|------------------------:|
# | ('line', 'a') | 1.22632 | 125.666 |
# | ('line', 'b') | 0.726787 | -10.3247 |
# | ('line', 'c') | 0.866039 | -90.0003 |
# The current flowing into the transformer from the load side
en.res_transformers[["current2"]].transform([np.abs, ft.partial(np.angle, deg=True)])
# | | ('current2', 'absolute') | ('current2', 'angle') |
# |:-----------------|---------------------------:|------------------------:|
# | ('transfo', 'a') | 17.3905 | 0.0141285 |
# | ('transfo', 'b') | 0 | 0 |
# | ('transfo', 'n') | 17.3905 | -179.986 |
# We can see the secondary phase "b" of the transformer does not carry any current as
# the load has 0VA on this phase.
# The voltages at the buses of the network
en.res_buses_voltages[["voltage"]].transform([np.abs, ft.partial(np.angle, deg=True)])
# | | ('voltage', 'absolute') | ('voltage', 'angle') |
# |:---------------------|--------------------------:|-----------------------:|
# | ('source_bus', 'ab') | 20000 | 0 |
# | ('source_bus', 'bc') | 20000 | -120 |
# | ('source_bus', 'ca') | 20000 | 120 |
# | ('load_bus', 'ab') | 19999.6 | 6.9969e-05 |
# | ('load_bus', 'bc') | 19999.8 | -120 |
# | ('load_bus', 'ca') | 19999.6 | 119.999 |
# | ('lv_bus', 'an') | 115.005 | 0.0141285 |
# | ('lv_bus', 'bn') | 114.998 | -180 |