Welcome to the Roseau Load Flow documentation¶
Roseau Load Flow is a powerful multi-phase load flow solver for unbalanced power flow analysis that offers:
Multi-phase, unbalanced power flow analysis
Performance optimized solver written in C++
A catalogue of real-world transformer and line models
An ergonomic object-oriented Python interface
A comprehensive documentation with code examples
Real-world distribution network data samples in the library (with more available on request)
In addition to the following unique set of features:
Support for floating neutrals for loads and sources
Four-wire multi-phase modelling with no Kron’s reduction, no transformations, no assumptions on the network topology and no implicit earthing everywhere
Support for flexible, voltage-dependent, loads directly in the Newton algorithm for better convergence
This software is developed by Roseau Technologies.
Roseau Load Flow ships with a sample of 20 low-voltage and 20 medium-voltage feeder networks. Each network is provided with its summer and winter load points. At Roseau Technologies, we can provide the major part of the French medium and low voltage networks on demand. For more information, please contact us at contact@roseautechnologies.com.
More details are given in the Catalogues page.
is the python interface to the solver. It is compatible with Python version 3.10
and newer and can be installed with:
Installation and License
Read more about the license of this project:
The following tutorials are available to help you get started:
A description of the electrical models used for each component, an example usage, and a reference to the API of the classes are available here:
Advanced concepts, edge cases and more are explained in this section:
API Reference¶
If you want the full documentation of all the classes and functions, you can refer to the following references: