
Type Aliases used by Roseau Load Flow.


Types defined in this module are not part of the public API. You can use these types in your code, but they are not guaranteed to be stable.

class Id

The type of the identifier of an element. An element’s ID can be an integer or a string.

class JsonDict

A dictionary that can be serialized to JSON.

class StrPath

The accepted type for file paths in roseau.load_flow. This is a string or a path-like object.

class ControlType

Available control types for flexible loads.

class ProjectionType

Available projections types for flexible loads control.

class Solver

Available solvers for the load flow computation.

class MapOrSeq

A mapping from element IDs to elements or a sequence of elements of unique IDs.

class ComplexArray

A numpy array of complex numbers.

class ComplexArrayLike1D

A 1D array-like of complex numbers or a quantity of complex numbers. An array-like is a sequence or a numpy array.

class ComplexArrayLike2D

A 2D array-like of complex numbers or a quantity of complex numbers. An array-like is a sequence or a numpy array.

class FloatArrayLike1D

A 1D array-like of floating numbers or a quantity of floating numbers. An array-like is a sequence or a numpy array.