Plotting a distribution network

On this page, the folium library is used to plot an ElectricalNetwork.

Let’s take a MV network from the catalogue:

>>> import roseau.load_flow as rlf
>>> en = rlf.ElectricalNetwork.from_catalogue(name="MVFeeder210", load_point_name="Winter")

The plot will be done from the GeoDataFrame of buses and lines (we ignore transformers and switches in this tutorial).

>>> buses_gdf = en.buses_frame.reset_index()
>>> lines_gdf = en.lines_frame.reset_index()

In order to style the buses, a style function, a highlight function and a tooltip are defined. The "id" property of the buses is used to separate the HV/MV substation and the MV/LV substations for the style function. Remaining buses are junction buses. The color of the buses is changed when highlighted.

>>> import folium

>>> def buses_style_function(feature):
...     if feature["properties"]["id"].startswith("HVMV"):  # HV/MV substation
...         return {
...             "fill": True,
...             "fillColor": "#000000",
...             "color": "#000000",
...             "fillOpacity": 1,
...             "radius": 7,
...         }
...     elif feature["properties"]["id"].startswith("MVLV"):  # MV/LV substations
...         return {
...             "fill": True,
...             "fillColor": "#234e83",
...             "color": "#234e83",
...             "fillOpacity": 1,
...             "radius": 5,
...         }
...     else:  # Junction buses
...         return {
...             "fill": True,
...             "fillColor": "#234e83",
...             "color": "#234e83",
...             "fillOpacity": 1,
...             "radius": 3,
...         }

>>> def buses_highlight_function(feature):
...     return {"color": "#cad40e", "fillColor": "#cad40e"}

>>> buses_tooltip = folium.GeoJsonTooltip(
...     fields=["id", "phases"],
...     aliases=["Id:", "Phases:"],
...     localize=True,
...     sticky=False,
...     labels=True,
...     max_width=800,
... )

The same is done for the lines.

>>> def lines_style_function(feature):
...     return {"color": "#234e83", "weight": 4}

>>> def lines_highlight_function(feature):
...     return {"color": "#cad40e"}

>>> lines_tooltip = folium.GeoJsonTooltip(
...     fields=["id", "bus1_id", "bus2_id", "parameters_id"],
...     aliases=["Id:", "Bus1:", "Bus2:", "Parameters:"],
...     localize=True,
...     sticky=False,
...     labels=True,
...     max_width=800,
... )

Finally, the two geojson layers are added in a folium map.

>>> m = folium.Map(
...     location=list(reversed(buses_gdf.unary_union.centroid.coords[0])), zoom_start=12
... )

>>> folium.GeoJson(
...     data=lines_gdf,
...     name="lines",
...     marker=folium.CircleMarker(),
...     style_function=lines_style_function,
...     highlight_function=lines_highlight_function,
...     tooltip=lines_tooltip,
... ).add_to(m)

>>> folium.GeoJson(
...     buses_gdf,
...     name="buses",
...     marker=folium.CircleMarker(),
...     style_function=buses_style_function,
...     highlight_function=buses_highlight_function,
...     tooltip=buses_tooltip,
... ).add_to(m)

>>> folium.LayerControl().add_to(m)
>>> m

It leads to this result: